Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Things Design Beginners Need to Know: The Creative Process

When I first started graphic design classes I had a hard time thinking of good designs that fit my assignments. That was until a professor introduced the class to the creative process. Since then, when I get stuck I make sure to use this process.

Know the information and company
It is important to know what information needs to be included on whatever it is you’re making. Research the company and find out as much as possible and create a creative brief. Find out how they started, what their mission statement is, and if they have a recurring design theme.

Brainstorm and sketch
Think of multiple different ideas and write them down. Look at related graphic design work if you get stuck. Once you have three to four designs, sketch them out and narrow down the design choices.

Create a mock up
Take the the design(s) narrowed down from the sketches and recreate it on the computer. This should even further narrow down your options and help you choose the final design.

Test your work
Print a test (if applicable) of the final design to make sure everything is the way you intended it to be. Edit anything that needs to be changed from the test print.


Send the final project to the customer for approval and (hopefully) you’re done.

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